
What are businesses responsibilities related VAT?

All businesses in the UAE need to record their financial transactions and ensure that their financial records are accurate and up to date. Businesses that meet the minimum annual turnover requirement (as evidenced by their financial records) are required to register for VAT. Businesses that do not think they should be VAT-registered should maintain their financial records in any event, in case we need to establish whether they should be registered.

Businesses generally:

  • Must charge VAT on taxable goods or services they supply;
  • May reclaim any VAT they’ve paid on business-related goods or services;
  • Keep a range of business records which will allow the government to check that they have got things right.

If you are a VAT-registered business you must report the amount of VAT you’ve charged and the amount of VAT you’ve paid to the government on a regular basis. It will be a formal submission and it is likely that the reporting will be made online. If you’ve charged more VAT than you’ve paid, you have to pay the difference to the government. If you’ve paid more VAT than you’ve charged, you can reclaim the difference.


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