
Tax Residency Certificate​

Tax Residency Certificate or sometimes called a Tax Domicile Certificate is an official certificate or document which is issued by the Ministry of Finance of UAE to either Company inside UAE for at least 1 year of age or an Individual with a UAE residency visa / permanently residing in the UAE for at least minimum of 180 Days.

This Official Certificate is used to fully utilize the advantages of the extensive double tax treaties and to take advantage of double taxation avoidance agreements signed by the UAE with over 76 Countries in the World and this certificate valid for one year from the date of its issue.

♦ Steps and documents needed for an individual to get a Tax Residency Certificate in UAE

The first step in applying for a tax residency certificate is to seek assistance from a UAE business expert such as the Meydan Free zone. We can assist with the entire process, advising on the best approach and liaising with relevant government bodies.

♦ Your application should be made to the UAE Ministry of Finance. To obtain a tax residency certificate, you will need to supply some or all of the following documents:

Tax Residency Certificate Process:

♦ The process of applying for a tax residency certificate for corporates in the UAE is the same as above. However, companies must provide the following documentation:

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